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Name | latin |
Ameles heldreichi |
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| Systematics
All data for the systematics is taken from Reinhard Ehrmann's book "Mantodea - Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt" (Mantodea - Praying mantids of the world).
More about this book can be found in the section literature at this page.
| Super-Order |
Dictyoptera |
| Order |
Mantodea |
| Family |
Mantidae |
| Subfamily |
Amelinae |
| Tribe |
Amelini |
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| First Description | Author |
| Year |
1882 |
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| Size
Quotation of Size
The given size is measured from the head to the end of the abdomen, without the wings.
| Male |
ca. 3cm |
| Female |
ca. 3,4cm |
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| Sexing
Morphologically differences between male and female.
| Male |
L5 and above: only by counting the abdominal segments at the bottom of the abdomen (8 segments)
adult: long wings, thin body |
| Female |
L5 and above: only by counting the abdominal segments at the bottom of the abdomen (6 segments)
adult: short wings, big abdomen |
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| | | | Spreading
For a better overview, only whole countries are listed for the quotation of spreading, even if a species can only be found in a small part of that country.
All data for the spreading is taken from Reinhard Ehrmann's book "Mantodea - Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt" (Mantodea - Praying mantids of the world).
More about this book can be found in the section literature at this page.
At the menu "Spreading" for each country only the genus but the species is printed (Exception: on this site described species).
| France, Italia, Spain, The Balkans, Croatia, Greece |
| The description is based on mantids of the following origin:
Putini (Croatia) |
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Europe |
| Habitat | dry meadows, grounds with meagerly plants, small bushes (up to 30cm), sunny places |
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| Aggressiveness | very aggressive |
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| Hint | They escape by doing short but fast jumps. The females have reduced wings, they are not able to fly.
Mantids from countries which have temperatures under 10°C in the winter are doing a break between 2 moltings, or don't hatch during the winter. You should keep them at 5°C to 10°C for 3 -4 month in this break. |
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