Reproduction sexual
Eggs First building 4- 6 weeks after the last molt
Period 3- 5 weeks
Place in substrate (s. Hint)
Number ca. 5- 7 packages, ca. 30- 50 eggs/ package
Size ca. 8mm- 10mm
Shape longish, like rice grains
Color darkgrey/ black
Incubation Temperature ca. 20°C- 25°C
Humidity keep always dampish
Period 4- 5 months
Substrate cocos- humus, nothing should be in the substrate (like springtails etc.)
Size ca. 20mm
Look darkgrey, darkbrown, like bigger nymphs
Breeding Temperature 20°C- 26°C
Humidity 70%- 80% (spray every 1- 2 evening)
Substrate pulp, cocos- humus
Hint The eggs are very sensible against predators like springtails. Thus the substrate has to be free of all small organisms. Cocos- humus is recommended. The females test the substrate by "test- borings", so many holes can be found in the substrate.

Eggs: The eggs are packed in eye- packages. One package contains 30- 50 eggs. For the laying a box must be given, filled with cocos- humus or earth. The size should be at least 10cm x 10cm x 15cm. The substrate has to be kept dampish.